Catholic Health Association of Manitoba
National Catholic Healthcare Week
Jan 28, 2024

National Catholic Health Care Week

Posted on January 5, 2024

We will soon be marking our fifth annual National Catholic Health Care Week from Sunday, February 4 to Saturday, February 10, 2024. We invite you to participate in the Week by sharing the message of Catholic health care in your communities.

Focus: Signs of Hope 
I invite everyone to renewed hope, for hope speaks to us of something deeply rooted in every human heart... Hope speaks to us of a thirst, an aspiration, a longing for a life of fulfillment, a desire to achieve great things, things that fill our heart and lift our spirit to lofty realities like truth, goodness and beauty, justice and love. -Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti (55).

National Catholic Health Care Week seeks to build understanding and connection with our mission and contribution as a Catholic health community working with others to build a just and caring society where all are seen and heard. This year, it falls on the week leading into The World Day of the Sick, February 11, a Catholic day of observance established by Pope John Paul II to encourage prayers and reflections for those who are ill and for those who care for them. This year’s theme, “Signs of Hope,” speaks to the courageous gift of Catholic health carrying on Jesus’ healing ministry as a sign of hope in the world and offers words of blessing and hope to each person in their journey to care for themselves or others. It acknowledges and responds to the challenges faced in our communities as we continue our journey of recovery as a society and as Catholic health from the effects of the global pandemic.

Please pray for our Catholic health ministry during National Catholic Health Care Week, and use the following resources to raise awareness among leaders and in your communities.


Catholic Health Alliance of Canada has also created a set of five reflections for you to use each weekday during National Catholic Health Care Week, as a resource to open meetings or events and for discussion or learning. Click here to download. They encourage prayerful reflection on aspects of our calling to be signs hope and healing and offer words of encouragement on the journey for those both needing or providing care. These Reflections and prayers help us explore our Catholic identity and tradition. The themes were drawn from Pope Francis’ call to Hope in FratelliTutti (54 and 55).



At the heart of Catholic health care is a deep respect for the intrinsic value and dignity of every human being and an unwavering commitment to serving all people, from all backgrounds and faiths
– especially society’s most vulnerable.

MISSION: Assistance in Living (MAiL)
Jan 15, 2024

John Longhurst of the Winnipeg Free Press wrote on a campaign that CHAM is working on entitled Mission: Assistance in Living.

Over the past several years, some momentous developments have altered the landscape of our society and raised important questions and concerns about our efforts as Canadians to foster a just and caring society where all Canadians are supported to live with dignity, hope and belonging.

Since 2016, Canada’s continued actions to expand access to Medical Assistance in Dying have challenged us to examine what we value as individuals and society. COVID-19 and the economic and societal aftershocks of the pandemic have brought new insights and urgency to these questions. The pandemic shook our nation to the core, revealing the existence of systemic ageism and ableism within Canada, as well as a systemic fragility in being able to protect and defend the basic human rights of older Canadians.

Research indicates that mental health declines experienced over the pandemic have not recovered to pre-pandemic levels and continues to be exacerbated by the economic downturn with rising rates of anxiety, depression, mood disorders and suicidal ideation. (Canadian Mental Health Association, March 2023). As the country contemplates the expansion of MAiD for reasons of mental illness, we are at a crucial point with immense social consequences.

At the same time, Canadians are living longer. There are a growing number of older Canadians living with life-limiting illness and complex medical and mental health conditions—often with increased risk and vulnerability due to social isolation and lack of access to community supports.

Canadians still do not have universal access to mental health or to quality palliative care – or the many other programs and supports Canadians are entitled to under the Human Rights Act which include an adequate standard of living, housing, healthcare, and accessible services.

There is a need to rally around a collective, intentional vision and action aimed at supporting the person in all dimensions—physical, social, psychological, emotional, spiritual—as a form of social justice. We could call this approach “Mission: Assistance in Living” (MAiL).

Where is the movement, our collective mission, for assistance in living?

MAiL is aimed at identifying, providing, improving and/or facilitating access to care and supports that advance the inherent dignity, security and fundamental equality of all persons— including persons with physical or mental illness, disability, or older age, as well as persons experiencing poverty, homelessness, isolation or a lack of care and support—in order to live with dignity, to flourish, and fully participate in society on an equal basis with others.

There is a critical need for us to re-ignite a life-affirming approach to the care and wellbeing of all Canadians based in shared values of the dignity of the human person. So, I’d like you to take a moment to reflect on how you can make a difference in the lives of individuals who are less privileged than you, cannot access the services they need to improve their physical and mental health, and receive the care and support they need to live with dignity and flourish.

I respectfully ask that you support MAiL by signing the petition

Upcoming change in leadership at CHAM
Jan 15, 2024

After seven years at the helm of the Catholic Health Association of Manitoba, Julie Turenne-Maynard is passing the reins on to a new CEO. To read the new CEO announcement click HERE.

CHAM Winter 2023 Newsletter
Dec 11, 2023

Enjoy reading the current NEWSLETTER

Oct 2, 2023

Health organizations with Catholic identity across the country have become acutely aware of the need to better understand and respond to the specific needs of patients and families who are Indigenous.  We are called to be in relationship with these communities and have been challenged to do our part to learn and unlearn from mistakes and harms from the past.  

The Indigenous Reconciliation Fund was established to accept donations from Catholic entities across the country, and to advance healing and reconciliation initiatives, fulfilling the $30 million financial commitment made by Canada's bishops in September 2021.

The fund seeks to support projects that are determined locally, in collaboration with First Nations, Métis and Inuit partners. The following documents provide a summary of the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund and the grant application form.

- Indigenous Reconciliation Fund Overview

- Indigenous Reconciliation Fund Application Form

Your organization is encouraged to be in communication with your local bishop about the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund, and to assist people who may not have a traditional relationship with Church understand how to access the fund.



CHAM Fall 2023 Newsletter
Sep 15, 2023

CHAM Fall Newsletter

World Day of the Sick
Jan 20, 2023

Journée mondial du maladeEach year on February 11, the Catholic Church marks the World Day of the Sick on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. This is a time to offer prayers for those who suffer from illness and for their caregivers.

Illness is part of our human condition. Yet, if illness is experienced in isolation and abandonment, unaccompanied by care and compassion, it can become inhumane.

The theme of this year’s 31st World Day of the Sick observance is “Take care of him: Compassion as a synodal exercise of healing”, drawn from the Gospel of Luke on the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Pope Francis urges Catholics to heed the example of the Good Samaritan showing compassion and taking care of the sick in a world that discards the most vulnerable.

We invite you to promote the Holy Father’s message for World Day of the Sick in your organizations, parishes, community, family, and schools. In his message, Pope Francis stresses that “in the midst of illness,” the Church becomes a "field hospital” dedicated to “acts of care.” No one should be alone in times of illness.


We invite you to use the following lesson plans to teach students about the World Day of the Sick:

Within the lesson plans, you will also find a handout along with colouring pages from a few online sources and a Powerpoint Presentation. These resources have been included below for quick reference:

 Special thanks to Natalie Chow, a secondary school teacher, for creating these lessons plans and resources for World Day of the Sick.
World Day for Consecrated Life
Jan 25, 2022

World Day for Consecrated Life, Feb. 2, celebrates the gift of consecrated persons for whole Church and pray for men and women discerning a consecrated vocation with the global
Catholic Church.

The celebration is attached to the feast of the Presentation of the Lord on Feb. 2. This feast is also known as Candlemas Day; the day on which candles are blessed symbolizing Christ who is the light of the world. Similarly, consecrated men and women are called to spread the light and love of Jesus Christ through their unique witness of selfless service, such as caring for the poor, the contemplative work of prayer, or through their professional careers.

Zoom gathering at 7.00 pm CST

When: Feb 2, 2022 07:00 PM Central Time

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends
toward justice.  Martin Luther King


National Catholic Healthcare Week
Sep 14, 2021

National Catholic Health Care Week from Sunday, October 3 to Saturday, October 9, 2021

At the heart of Catholic health care is a deep respect for the intrinsic value and dignity of every human being and an unwavering commitment to serving all people, from all backgrounds and faiths – especially society’s most vulnerable.

Awaken: Revealing the Courageous Gift of Catholic Health Care National Catholic Health Care Week is part of a broader Catholic Health Alliance of Canada (CHAC) initiative called Awaken: Revealing the Courageous Gift of Catholic Health Care, an invitation to unite our voices and create a movement to boldly, confidently express the role, value, and impact of Catholic health care in Canada. Awaken cultivates ambassadors and advocates to be vocal, informed supporters of Catholic health care in Canada. Each of us contributes to this campaign through conversations we have with influencers and decisionmakers in our communities, provincially, and nationally.

Nationally, Catholic health care serves over 5 million Canadians each year and employs over 88,000 people. Our footprint is big. Our hearts are even bigger. And our belief that we are part of each other’s journey, there to support and transform one another, is the foundation it’s all built on.

This year, National Health Care Week focusses on the theme of “Together in Care,” grounded in our commitment to social justice and the values of inclusiveness and compassion, in the spirit of reconciliation.

Click on this link for daily reflections and prayers:  NCHCW-2021-daily-reflections-and-prayers-EN.pdf (

To read stories and posts during NCHCW, click: 

World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly
Jul 25, 2021

Pope Francis instituted a Church-wide celebration of a World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly (July 25, 2021) as a reminder of the important role they play as a link between generations. He reminds us that “grandparents are often forgotten, and we forget this wealth of preserving roots and passing on” what the elderly have received.

Pope establishes World Day of Grandparents - YouTube

Bill C-7 - CHAC Statement
Mar 24, 2021

As you may have seen in the news, Bill C7 passed through the Senate last week. This bill allows people with chronic illness (including mental health) or disability whose natural death is not imminent or foreseeable to choose MAID. The Catholic Health Alliance of Canada has developed a BILL C-7 Statement.

Inclusion Winnipeg, who along with Inclusion Canada has also developed a strong position on this topic from the disability lens is also happy to have media directed their way.

Inclusion Winnipeg – Scott McFadyen’s contact info: or 431-887-1080

Canadian Association of Suicide Prevention has also had initial and then updated position papers on this topic:

CASP - Nancy Parker's contact info: or Ph: 204-336-5290     Mobile: 204-793-4128

CHAM – Julie Turenne-Maynard’s contact info: or 204-771-5585


First Nations Health and Wellness Colouring Book
Mar 23, 2021

Canadian Red Cross is excited to share that the First Nations Health and Wellness Colouring Book has recently been launched! This project was completed in partnership with Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs and incorporates artwork from many different First Nation artists in Manitoba.

This project was financially supported through Jordan’s Principle, FNIHB as part of the ongoing partnership with First Nation communities to promote wellness and resiliency-building especially among young people.

The colouring book is available for download from our website and can be found here:

International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking for an economy that do
Feb 8, 2021

An online prayer marathon will take place next Monday on different time zones, starting in Asia and Oceania. Pope Francis is expected to release a message for the occasion. The prayer will be available on YouTube.


Vatican City (AsiaNews) – “An economy without human trafficking” is the theme of the 7th International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking, which includes an online prayer marathon next Monday, 8 February.

The event will mobilise all those who want a world unshackled by a model that views the economy as more important than people, which is one of the real causes of trafficking.

The worldwide prayer will take place across various time zones, starting in Oceania and Asia at 10.10 am (Rome time, 9.10 am GMT). It will first touch Australia, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh , India, and Pakistan. Gradually, the rest of the world will follow. The highlight will come at 1.30 pm with a message from Pope Francis.

For the organising committee, the prayer marathon is an invitation to multiply and promote new economic experiences that oppose all forms of exploitation. It falls on an important date, the liturgical memory of Saint Bakhita, the slave who became a saint and a universal symbol of the Church's commitment to fight slavery.

The event was organised by the International Committee for the International Day, coordinated by Talitha Kum, together with the network of consecrated life against human trafficking of the International Union Superiors General (UISG), the Migrants and Refugees section of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Caritas Internationalis, the World Union of Catholic Women's Organisations, the Focolare Movement, and many other local organisations.

The prayer marathon will be streamed live on the International Day’s YouTube channel with translations in five languages. It will also be possible to support the event on social media via the official hashtag #PrayAgainstTrafficking Roma, 5 February 2021.

Faith Helps Fuel Canada's GDP
Oct 6, 2020
New research, "Faith Helps Fuel Canada's GDP" is a first ever study of Canada's Hidden Economy. This new research suggests religion produces measurable economic contributions to the common good: a 67.5 billion annual investment in Canadian society.  
"Amid pandemic-related job loss and economic worries, new research done by Brian and Melissa Grimm suggests there is a sector of Canadian society that plays an important, but often unrecognized, economic role: religion. The Hidden Economy: How Faith Helps Fuel Canada’s GDP, a new report from think tank Cardus, finds that religion’s annual contribution to Canadian society is worth an estimated $67.5 billion. That’s large enough to be the ninth biggest enterprise in the country – ahead of the Bank of Montreal. (See Cardus for full study or RFBF for overview.)Brian Grim, RFBF President
COVID-19: Cham office closed
Mar 19, 2020

Although the Catholic Health Association of Manitoba's office at 431 Taché Avenue is closed until late April, the Executive Director will be working from her home office.

Please do not hesitate to continue sending emails to or calling the office number 204-235-3136 that has been redirected to Julie Turenne-Maynard's personal cell number.


Keep us, good Lord,
under the shadow of your mercy
in this time of uncertainty and distress.
Sustain and support the anxious and fearful,
and lift up all who are brought low;
that we may rejoice in your comfort
knowing that nothing can separate us from your love
in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Christmas Holiday Schedule
Dec 17, 2019

The Catholic Health Association of Manitoba office will be closed from January 24th through to January 5th, 2019.  

May the timeless message of Christmas fill your heart and home with joy now and throughout the coming year.

Que l’éternel message de Noël remplisse votre cœur et votre demeure de joie maintenant et durant l'année à venir.

 Image result for christmas

Julie Turenne-Maynard

Executive Director



Dec 5, 2019

Those who are homeless or at risk need your support.  The Centre Flavie-Laurent in St. Boniface is an organization that strives to be an effective ally in the battle against poverty so that the most vulnerable may live in a dignified manner.  If you have any household material goods or clothing to donate, please do so as they are given free of charge to all vulnerable people in need at Centre Flavie-Laurent.  To donate, click here: 

Catholic, Jewish, and Muslim leaders sign declaration against euthanasia, physician-assist
Oct 31, 2019

Leaders of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam presented a signed declaration to Pope Francis expressing their total opposition to euthanasia and any form of physician-assisted suicide, as well as voicing their support of palliative end-of-life care.

The document was signed at the Vatican Oct. 28 by Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, head of the Pontifical Academy for Life, along with representatives of the Jewish and Islamic faiths. It was given to Pope Francis during an audience.

The position paper states that the three Abrahamic religions “oppose any form of euthanasia – that is the direct, deliberate and intentional act of taking life – as well as physician assisted suicide – that is the direct, deliberate and intentional support of committing suicide – because they fundamentally contradict the inalienable value of human life, and therefore are inherently and consequentially morally and religiously wrong, and should be forbidden without exceptions.”

The paper also affirms the right of healthcare workers to not be coerced or pressured into directly or indirectly assisting in the intentional death of a patient through assisted suicide or any form of euthanasia, especially when doing so would violate the provider’s religious beliefs.

In Canada, medically assisted suicide has been legal in all of Canada since 2016. Many Catholic doctors in Alberta are worried that they will soon be forced to provide referrals for the procedure.

Even if accepted by the local legal system, “moral objections regarding issues of life and death certainly fall into the category of conscientious objection that should be universally respected,” the paper declares.

Healthcare providers, it notes, have the responsibility “to provide the best possible cure for disease and maximal care of the sick.”

The idea for the declaration came from Rabbi Avraham Steinberg, an Israeli medical ethicist, who proposed it to Pope Francis. The pope entrusted the project to the Pontifical Academy for Life, which organized an interreligious committee to create the document.

In the nearly 2,000-word position paper, it is stated that the Catholic, Jewish, and Islamic faiths “share common goals and are in complete agreement in their approach to end-of-life situations.” It also notes that these principles are sometimes in conflict with “current secular humanistic values and practices.”

The preamble to the report notes that “the moral, religious, social and legal aspects of the treatment of the dying” are among the most complex and most widely discussed in medicine today.

The issues surrounding the end of life include “difficult dilemmas,” which have increased in recent years, it argues, because of scientific-technological developments, changes in the patient-doctor relationship, cultural changes, and a growing scarcity of resources related to the expense of medical care.

These dilemmas are not primarily medical or scientific, but “social, ethical, religious, legal, and cultural,” it declares, adding that human intervention in the form of medical treatment and technologies “are only justified in terms of the help they can provide.”

“Therefore, their use requires responsible judgment about when life-sustaining and life-prolonging treatments truly support the goals of human life, and when they have reached their limits,” it claims.

The declaration states that “when death is imminent despite the means used, it is justified to make the decision to withhold certain forms of medical treatments that would only prolong a precarious life of suffering.”

However, both medical providers and society should respect the wish of a dying patient to prolong or preserve his/her life even for an additional short period of time by clinically appropriate medical measures,” it continues.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that a person may legitimately choose to discontinue medical procedures which are “over-zealous,” meaning “burdensome, dangerous, extraordinary, or disproportionate to the expected outcome..”

The position paper defines a “dying patient” as someone who has “a fatal, incurable, and irreversible disease” and is at a stage when their death will likely occur within a few months “as a result of the disease or its directly related complications, despite the best diagnostic and therapeutic efforts.”

The report offers encouragement and support for professional palliative care for everyone, everywhere and to commend laws and policies which protect the dignity of a dying person.

It also declares a commitment to engage with communities on the issue of bioethics, and to raise public awareness about palliative care.

The paper states a belief that society has an obligation to help patients not to feel like a burden and to know the value and dignity of their life, “which deserves care and support until its natural end.”

The declaration also calls on policymakers and healthcare providers to familiarize themselves with the perspective and teaching of these religions in order to better provide medical assistance in accord with their patients’ beliefs.

“While we applaud medical science for advances to prevent and cure disease, we recognize that every life will ultimately experience death,” it states. “Care for the dying is both part of our stewardship of the Divine gift of life when a cure is no longer possible, as well as our human and ethical responsibility toward the dying (and often) suffering patient.”


By Hannah Brockhaus, Catholic News Agency

WMA Declaration on Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide
Oct 31, 2019


Adopted by the 70th World Medical Association General Assembly,
Tbilisi, Georgia, October 2019


The WMA reiterates its strong commitment to the principles of medical ethics and that utmost respect has to be maintained for human life. Therefore, the WMA is firmly opposed to euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide.

For the purpose of this declaration, euthanasia is defined as a physician deliberately administering a lethal substance or carrying out an intervention to cause the death of a patient with decision-making capacity at the patient’s own voluntary request. Physician-assisted suicide refers to cases in which, at the voluntary request of a patient with decision-making capacity, a physician deliberately enables a patient to end his or her own life by prescribing or providing medical substances with the intent to bring about death.

No physician should be forced to participate in euthanasia or assisted suicide, nor should any physician be obliged to make referral decisions to this end.

Separately, the physician who respects the basic right of the patient to decline medical treatment does not act unethically in forgoing or withholding unwanted care, even if respecting such a wish results in the death of the patient.

National Catholic Healthcare Week
Oct 7, 2019

Thousands of interactions every day remind us that we each have our own stories of hope and sorrow, courage and fear, beginnings and endings.

The challenges and illnesses we come with are only one part of our story. In Catholic health care we seek to serve the whole person, approaching interactions with openness and vulnerability recognizing that it is a profound gift when our stories intertwine.


Click on this vido link: 

Gerrard, Friesen clash over personal care home staffing levels
Oct 4, 2019

For the first time in his 20-year Manitoba legislature career, Liberal MLA Jon Gerrard was asked to leave the chamber Thursday, following what the Speaker called "extremely rude and inappropriate behaviour."

During a question period exchange with Health Minister Cameron Friesen, Gerrard (River Heights) asked the minister about what he believes are inadequate staffing levels at personal care homes.

He also asked Friesen whether the government was prepared to invest in seniors care or if it thought of personal care homes as places where seniors are sent to die.

In his rebuttal, Friesen rebuked Gerrard for allegedly insulting staff who "(work) hard every day in personal care homes to provide exceptional care for our seniors." He said Gerrard should apologize to them for his remarks.

For the first time in his 20-year Manitoba legislature career, Liberal MLA Jon Gerrard was asked to leave the chamber Thursday, following what the Speaker called "extremely rude and inappropriate behaviour."

During a question period exchange with Health Minister Cameron Friesen, Gerrard (River Heights) asked the minister about what he believes are inadequate staffing levels at personal care homes.

Liberal MLA Jon Gerrard was asked to leave the chamber Thursday, following what the Speaker called "extremely rude and inappropriate behaviour." (Chelsea Kemp / The Brandon Sun files)

He also asked Friesen whether the government was prepared to invest in seniors care or if it thought of personal care homes as places where seniors are sent to die.

In his rebuttal, Friesen rebuked Gerrard for allegedly insulting staff who "(work) hard every day in personal care homes to provide exceptional care for our seniors." He said Gerrard should apologize to them for his remarks.

Gerrard could then be heard shouting across the chamber that Friesen should be the one apologizing.

Speaker Myrna Driedger asked Gerrard three times to apologize and withdraw his comments. With his arms crossed, the Liberal MLA stood in his place and refused. Driedger then told him to leave the chamber for the rest of the day.

"The minister was accusing me of going after people who are working in personal care homes, when the problem in personal care homes is that they are short of staff and they are short of training," Gerrard said.

"And the minister should have been looking after that... Instead, he was trying to cast aspersions on me, who is standing up for seniors. I wasn’t going to apologize for standing up for seniors."

Friesen defended the care being provided and touted a new 143-bed personal care home being built in Steinbach.

"Our personal care homes are fully-staffed... We have health-care aides. We have RNs and other nurses. We have psychiatry. We have an array of volunteers who assist on a daily basis and we should give a shout-out to all of the people who volunteer in personal care homes," Friesen said.

The minister invited Gerrard to come to his office with any particular issues.

Dolores Minkus-Hofley watched the exchange from the gallery and was shaking her head. She said her husband has Parkinson's disease and has been living in a personal care home for more than three years. She reported his level of care has declined significantly.

"What we were told (is): ‘They’ll be looked after, they’ll be okay.’ And it’s just gotten worse and worse every year," Minkus-Hofley said, adding she's heard similar complaints from many whose loved ones are living in personal care homes.

"We just need staff. We need bodies. We need people. We need training. We need money," she said. "And (with) the governments — whether it was the NDP or (the Tories) — this is an ongoing issue that needs to be brought to the fore."

Gerrard's ejection from the chamber was the first in recent memory in Manitoba. In 2006, Liberal MLA (now MP) Kevin Lamoureux was asked to leave by Speaker George Hickes for using unparliamentary language.

Sep 25, 2019

This election you can support the CALL TO CARE

Six Million Seniors are calling on you to Care

Long-term care homes provide physical, medical, social, spiritual and emotional support to more than 200,000 seniors across Canada. Today seniors live longer and enjoy their homes longer, which means seniors are arriving at care homes much later in years.  They are arriving with more complex health issues and more physically frail than ever before.  The prevalence of multiple chronic conditions and cognitive impairment among residents has increased dramatically over the last decade.  Canada’s long-term care homes support people at this stage of their lives, which can include extensive or complete support with everyday activities such as getting dressed, getting in and out of bed, eating and going to the bathroom.

Unfortunately, long-term care is not seen as a priority by federal policy makers. While the Federal Government has embarked on a number of initiatives to support seniors, none of these initiatives support seniors living in long-term care.

Therefore, the Long Term and Continuing Care Association of Manitoba (LTCAM) is putting forward two key recommendations to address the aging crisis:

  1. Digital Health: Supporting innovation in health care with evidence based decisions.
  2. Invest in seniors’ housing where care is provided by expanding federal infrastructure funding to include long-term care and commit to funding new long-term care residences.

The Long Term and Continuing Care Association of Manitoba wants to make sure your voice is heard this election!

To read the full report Go to


Simply complete the email form found there, and we will send a letter to all party candidates letting them know that Six Million Seniors are calling on them to Care

National Catholic Healthcare Week
Sep 16, 2019

From October 6 to 12, we will celebrate the very first National Catholic Health Care Week. This week organized by the Catholic Health Alliance of Canada provides the opportunity to highlight the inspiring work of Catholic health care organizations—such as Covenant Health and Covenant Care and other organizations that support health and wellness—both within the Archdiocese of Edmonton and across Canada. At the heart of Catholic health care is a deep respect for the intrinsic value and dignity of every human being and an unwavering commitment to serving all people, from all backgrounds and faiths – especially society’s most vulnerable.


During National Catholic Health Care Week, we give thanks for the courageous gift of Catholic health care. Whether it be in hospitals, community health centers, or seniors care homes, Catholic health care provides purpose-driven care with compassion and innovation. Each year, Catholic health care providers serve more than five million people in need in Canada.  Every person who contributes to working in Catholic health care is living out the healing ministry of Jesus Christ by helping those who are most marginalized by society. We give thanks for the thousands of physicians, nurses, employees, and volunteers who give of themselves to care for all in need.


For more information about Catholic health care in Canada or the week, please visit or

CHAM Fall Newsletter
Sep 16, 2019

To view CHAM's fall newsletter, click HERE.

2019 Election brochure promoting faith-based healthcare
Jul 30, 2019
Since CHAM's member organizations represent over 12% of Manitoba's health care budget, employing over 10,000 staff and attracting over 2000 volunteers, our collective voice for the value and important role faith-based health care plays in Manitoba also needs to be heard.

As your candidates these questions:

  1. Do you support the value of faith-based not for profit health and human service organizations and investments in Manitoba communities?

  2. What do you think distinguishes the leadership, engagement, decision-making, ethics and governance of independent boards in fiaht-based health care organizations?

  3. How do you see funding for spiritual health as part of Manitoba's health care system going forward?  Do you advocate status quo or increased funding?

  4. How would you enhance fiaht-based organizations' partnerhsip with Government over the next 4 years?

  5. What is your vision for the health of our community - for health services to support people of all ages?


2019 Election Articles focusing on Health Care
Jul 29, 2019

Stay informed on health care issues that are being discussed during this year's provincial election by clicking onto the following links:

NDP, PCs wrangle about private nurses in hospitals - August 9, 2019

Greens tout carbon tax, guaranteed income, better health care in campaign platform - August 9, 2019

Kinew's plan dogged by NDP's debt habit - August 8, 2019

Manitobans' health care the priority as NDP launches election campaign - August 7, 2019

Unions decry expensive forced battle to win health workers' votes - August 6, 2019

Lamont unveils addictions plan - July 20, 2019 

National Pharmacare Program would save lives - July 19, 2019 

'There were a lot of tears': Patients' deaths put spotlight on bedsores 

Manitoba Election 2019 Promise Tracker: Where do the parties stand on the major issues? 
- July 16, 2019

Premier, help us to deliver pharmacare for all Manitobans - July 04, 2019

Singh invokes Tommy Douglas to pitch 2019 election platform - June 16, 2019

Investments to improve access to mental health, additions treatment to Manitobans - June 10, 2019:

Confidence is lost': Report on health-care overhaul finds major problems - June 10, 2019

Province investing nearly $28M in Healthcare capital projects - May 28, 2019

Province Investing Nearly $28 Million in Health Care - May 298, 2019:

Clinical Consolodation Plans - May 16, 2019:

Election call shouldn't drive health care decisions - May 15, 2019

Nearly four out of 10 Manitobans feel health care gotten worse: Probe poll:   May 6, 2019

Health care funding deal mostly a dog and pony show - April 16, 2019

Green Party of Manitoba position on health care

Matter of principle Philpott explains role of religion in her decision-making process
Jun 30, 2019
Matter of principle - Winnipeg Free Press
Adrian Wyld / The Canadian Press files</p><p>Independent MP Jane Philpott is a member of Community Mennonite Church in Stouffville, Ont., and served as a missionary doctor in Africa for over 10 years.</p></p></p>


An In-Depth Look at the Manitoba Health Care System
Jun 30, 2019

Explore Manitoba Health Care Using Health Indicators

View in-depth information on the health of Canadians in Manitoba and on the Manitoba health care system. This interactive data provides insight into hospitals and long-term care organizations using a series of health indicators. Information is available on health care safety, efficiency, access, person-centredness, and appropriateness and effectiveness, as well as on health status and social determinants of health. 

NEW ! Health Ethics Guide Sponsor and Board Formation and Learning App
Jun 11, 2019

A new interactive learning app on the Health Ethics Guide is now available for free on both the Apple App Store (for iPhones) and the Google Play store (for Android phones).

To access the app using an iPhone, navigate from your phone to the App Store and within the search window, search “Health Ethics Guide Module”. You can then download the app by clicking the ‘GET’ icon  or the ‘cloud’ icon.

To access the app using an Android device, please click the following link:

Developed by Covenant Health with support from Catholic Health of Alberta, the app features personal interviews of the Governing Council and other leaders in Catholic health care, including key articles, principles, and practical applications of the Guide.  It is intended to guide sponsors and boards in exercising their roles and accountabilities to ensure the ethical integrity of their sponsored works.    

Given the complex and often nuanced ethical issues we face in Catholic health care today, sponsors will benefit from a deeper exploration of the rich ethical and theological tradition upon which the Guide is based.   With its user-friendly format, case studies, and content testing questions, the app serves as a formation experience of this moral tradition, and its relevance in guiding decision-making at both the clinical bedside and board table.

A French language version will be available in the future. 

Please cascade this information throughout your system, and encourage discussing different sections of the app at meetings throughout the year for your own sponsor formation.

For technical assistance regarding access, navigation or subsequent upgrades of the app please contact the general intake email at

Any other questions around the subject matter or use of the app can be directed to Gordon Self at

CHAM Spring Newsletter
Jun 11, 2019

To view the spring newsletter, click HERE

Grey Nuns 175th - Anniversary
May 26, 2019

 In honour of the 175th anniversary of their arrival in Manitoba, the Grey Nuns cordially invite the community to a celebratory mass to be held on Friday, June 21 at 10:30 am. in the St. Boniface Cathedral, 180 avenue de la Cathédrale.

For those unable to attend, mass will be live streamed and can be viewed on Facebook at: Mass will be followed by a free picnic lunch open to all between 12:00 and 1:00 p.m. with musical entertainment, historical interpretation, and tours. Theatre in the Cemetery will be offered at 12:30 and 1:30 p.m.

The St. Boniface Museum (MSBM) will be open from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. Free tours, a newly renovated permanent exhibit featuring the Grey Nuns, and a temporary exhibit on the history of the Grey Nuns in Manitoba will be available for viewing.

A movie night with a film entitled “Hier et Aujourd’hui”, produced by Danielle Sturke and Productions Rivard, featuring the lives and works of the Grey Nuns will be viewed at the MSBM at 7:30 pm. It will be shown in French with English sub-titles.

For more information about the special events program, please consult the poster program or visit the website at:



Jan 14, 2019

Happy New Year!  Enjoy reading CHAM's newsletter.  Click HERE.

Pour la version française, cliquer ICI.

Government drops 'values test' from Summer Jobs program applications
Dec 6, 2018

Prime Minister Trudeau is seen here before voting on a motion put forward by Conservatives that sought to overturn the attestation on applications for the Canada Summer Jobs Program applications. (Screenshot: CPAC)

The Liberal government says that it has removed wording from applications for the Canadian Summer Jobs program after faith-based groups pushed back earlier this year. 

The government had originally inserted an attestation that many faith-based groups - not just Christians - felt they couldn't agree with if they disagree with abortion.

According to the Canadian Press, the 2019 application has been "re-tooled." Now the application will simply ask people to "declare they don't work to infringe on any Canadian's legal rights."


Labour Minister Patty Hajdu told the Canadian Press that the change should alleviate concerns that faith-based groups strongly voiced earlier this year.

"They felt this was about their values and beliefs and not about the jobs and the performances of the students in particular roles and we took that to heart," Hajdu said in an interview.

"We've been working on making sure we do what we intended to do, which is to stand up for the rights of Canadians...but that we also work closely with faith-based groups and others so that they can see how they themselves would fit into this program."

MPs are expected to receive information on Thursday from Service Canada about the changes.

New Centre for Excellence in Mission Integration
Nov 20, 2018

The Board of Directors of the Catholic Health Corporation of Manitoba (CHCM) is pleased to announce its commitment to establishing a new Centre for Excellence in Mission Integration, in collaboration with the St-Boniface Hospital (SBH). This endeavor seeks to fulfill a long-standing vision to realign, focus and engage existing resources and strengthen our mission culture throughout our Communities of Service (CoS).

We believe this joint venture will help renew our ethics capacity at SBH and provide additional support to our CoS on the integration of ethics in organizational life. Through this collaborative effort, we also aspire to further our mission as leaders in fostering ethical reflection, nourishing spiritual health, and inspiring individual, interpersonal and organizational well-being and compassionate connections between CHCM, our CoS, our various client groups, our partners, and other stakeholders. 

SBGH & CHCM appoint new Director of Mission, Ethics & Spiritual Health
Nov 20, 2018

CHCM and SBH are also pleased to announce the appointment of Dawn MacDonald as Director of Mission, Ethics and Spiritual Health, effective November 19, 2018. This position will report jointly to the CEO of CHCM and the President and CEO of SBH.

In this shared role, Ms. MacDonald will lead efforts to develop strategies, processes and programs to support the integration of core Catholic ethos inspired by our sister leader predecessors, including compassion, ethics and spiritual health within our CoS and beyond; the education and formation of board directors, leaders and staff engaged with our sponsored communities; and the transfer and sharing of knowledge gained through research. Ms. Macdonald will also engage with the CHCM CEO Leadership Council and participate in building strong relationships with the Catholic Health Association of Manitoba (CHAM) and the Catholic Health Alliance of Canada (CHAC).

Dawn has become well known to our CoS since being seconded from SBH in 2010 to take a role with CHCM as Director of Strategic Initiatives and Education Lead. In addition to having a Master of Social Work degree, she is an internationally recognized teacher and trainer of mindfulness-based interventions through Brown University, UMASS, UCSD, Stanford University, as well as the Institute for Mindful Leadership. She has worked extensively with leaders, physicians, employees, and volunteers, offering evidence-based mindfulness and contemplative trainings through the Compassion Project.

Dawn also served on SBH’s Ethics council for several years and completed a certificate in Bioethics through the Provincial Health Ethics Network (AB). She has been part of an extensive review of Ethics Capacity in Catholic Health across Canada. We look forward to working with the leadership of SBH and our CoS in this exciting new venture for the future of our shared mission.

Misericordia Health Centre appoints new Clinical Service Leader for Spiritual Health
Nov 5, 2018

Joan Crabtree has accepted the position of Clinical Service Leader for Spiritual Health Services at MHC.  Joan has been a part of the Misericordia family since May of 2015 working in the capacity of Spiritual Care Associate.  

Joan is an active member of the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care (CASC) and is Chair of the Manitoba Region.

In her new capacity as Clinical Service Leader, Joan will provide clinical and educational leadership to ensure best practice spiritual health care service delivery that supports MHC's ever-arching strategic priority of faith-based care.

Jun 13, 2018

Clinic will be Open Extended Hours, 

Offer Alternative to Non-life-threatening Care:  Goertzen

A walk-in connected care clinic opening at Concordia Hospital next summer will provide access to care for area residents in need of same-day health-care services, Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister Kelvin Goertzen announced today.

“This project builds on Concordia Hospital’s strength in family medicine and enhances the hospital’s role as a health resource to the surrounding community,” said Goertzen.  “The changes will provide improved access to primary care providers in East Kildonan, North Kildonan and Transcona while extending the hours of walk-in care for the community.”
As many as half the people who come to Concordia’s emergency department on a daily basis could be appropriately cared for by physicians within a walk-in connected care clinic, said Goertzen.

As part of the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority’s ongoing health-care transformation and commitment to improving access to primary care, the clinic will operate with extended hours daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.  It will offer an alternative to urgent or emergency care for health concerns that are not life-threatening but which need to be addressed the same day.

In addition to the primary care services offered by a local MyHealth Team partner, the Concordia clinic will also have laboratory and diagnostic services on-site.

“Primary care is the foundation of health-care services and integral to health promotion and prevention,” said Lori Lamont, acting chief operating officer and vice-president of nursing and health professions for the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority.  “This clinic will not only benefit residents in the area surrounding Concordia, but present an alternative to urgent or emergency care for health concerns that need to be addressed the same day but are not life-threatening.”

Concordia’s emergency department is slated to close mid-2019, freeing space that will be repurposed for the clinic, which is expected to open its doors shortly thereafter, the minister said.

“We are excited to define Concordia Hospital’s new role in Winnipeg’s evolving health-care landscape,” said Valerie Wiebe, chief executive officer of Concordia Hospital.  “This clinic further reinforces our strong relationships with local MyHealth Teams, with community partners and as an important health resource for residents of northeast Winnipeg.”
Similar to the services offered at the region’s first walk-in connected care clinic, located adjacent to Grace Hospital’s new emergency department, the Concordia clinic will be staffed by physicians, registered nurses and other professionals who work with family physicians to diagnose and treat minor health issues to help patients avoid unnecessary trips to emergency rooms or urgent care.

“Access to same-day primary health services, like the walk-in connected care clinic, is an important element of community health services,” said Dr. Ainslie Mihalchuk, chief medical officer of Concordia Hospital, and president of the Manitoba College of Family Physicians.  “Walk-in connected care works in partnership with other clinics to create a seamless patient experience, relaying information back to patients’ primary health-care providers and, most importantly, connecting patients to a primary care provider if they do not have one.”

For more information on the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority’s health system transformation, visit

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CHAC launches national campaign
May 23, 2018

Awaken: revealing the courageous gift of Catholic health care is an initiative that has evolved from Proclaim, one of the three strategic directions in Catholic Health Alliance of Canada’s strategic plan. The Awaken initiative is meant to change the way we talk about Catholic health care and the way communities, decision-makers and influencers perceive it. It is meant to be bold, forward-looking and confident. At its core, awaken is a movement to 1) accurately and authentically reflect people’s experiences of Catholic health care and 2) create ambassadors for Catholic health care—people who can speak up and articulate our role and impact in local communities and nationally.

The words Awaken: revealing the courageous gift of Catholic health care are meaningful and unique in how they’ve been placed together:

Awaken is a call to action, asking people to rise up, see clearly, come out of their slumber, shift their perspective and be part of a transformative movement; appropriately, the concept of awakening has roots in Catholic scripture

Revealing implies deliberate, vulnerable and confident exposure; it conjures the idea of layers being opened or peeled back to show what is inside

Courageous embraces our legacy and the spirit we carry forward from the many brave, faithful and audacious founding congregations who started health care in Canada; courage is a defining feature of Catholic health care—we provide care to everyone, including those who are most on the fringes of society, we make values-based decisions and we are responsive to what our communities need

Gift speaks to something that is given with love, unconditionally; it is a beautiful, warm and big-hearted offering; we give gifts when we feel emotionally connected and to honour a meaningful relationship; in Catholic health care, the gift we offer and the gift we receive is the ability to see and appreciate each other’s humanity

Placed together, the words Awaken: revealing the courageous gift of Catholic health care express the heart and spirit of Catholic health care. It speaks to the intention behind Catholic health care and invites people to be part of something strong, something real and something true.



Martine Bouchard hired as new CEO for St. Boniface Hospital
May 2, 2018

Press Release - New CEO for St. Boniface Hospital

Pontiff decries inequitable distribution of health care within rich nations and across the
Dec 12, 2017

In a recent message on end-of-life care, Pope Francis said that it is permissible and moral for a patient to decide, in dialogue with medical professionals, that a proposed or ongoing course of treatment that might extend their life is nevertheless overzealous and disproportionate. The patient is not required by their Catholic faith to use every tool and treatment available, he said.

CHAM creates Bulletin for the faithful
Dec 12, 2017

In an effort to effectively communicate the activities of the Catholic Health Association of Manitoba, CHAM Bulletin has been created.  To view the first edition, click HERE.

Invitation to “the MISSION” Board Governance & Leadership Formation Series
Sep 8, 2017

A clear outcome of the strategic planning session held on June 28th, 2017 for the Catholic Health Association of Manitoba (CHAM) and the Interfaith Healthcare Association of Manitoba (IHCAM) is to support the members of both associations in the areas of leadership development and formation.  As a result of this, CHAM and IHCAM have partnered with the Catholic Health Corporation of Manitoba (CHCM) to bring to all board members and leaders a new Education & Formation Series. As a member of CHAM and IHCAM, your organization has access to the benefits offered by this partnership to offer on-going development opportunities. 


CHAM and IHCAM are committed to supporting and inspiring ongoing board governance and mission leadership. All board members and leaders are invited to take part in this inaugural opportunity to enhance your knowledge, skills, competencies and get to know others in our community.  Your participation will assist us with the developing future learning opportunities to support excellence in governance and leadership.


Your presence is therefore requested at part of, or all, of the sessions on October 10 & 11. Please find attached additional details on the 2-day event and registration information. We invite you to share the invitation widely.   


We are looking forward to journeying with you to co-create a series that supports the vision of faith-based health and human service by ensuring those who serve are appropriately equipped for their responsibilities through effective and on-going formation.


We are grateful to you for your continued service and engagement in this mission of compassion and love.


To view the poster, click here

To fill out the registration form, click here

Sep 8, 2017

The province is moving forward on an additional 258 new personal care home beds in Winnipeg, Steinbach and Carman, Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister Kelvin Goertzen announced today.

“Additional personal care home capacity will be needed over the next 25 years to care for people with significant needs and who can no longer safely remain at home or in supportive housing,” said Goertzen.  “We remain committed to ensuring the right care is available at the right place and the right time, and moving forward on personal care homes is part of addressing this need.”

Design work will begin to support the development of three proposals including:
• developing the Bridgwater Personal Care Home in Winnipeg to add up to 108 new beds;
• expanding the existing Rest Haven Personal Care Home in Steinbach by adding up to 140 beds; and
• expanding the existing Boyne Lodge in Carman by adding up to 10 new beds, 70 replacement beds and up to 30 new transitional care beds.

The minister noted the projects are in areas where analysis has shown that additional personal care home capacity is among the most needed.  Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living will continue working with regional health authorities, communities and stakeholders to look at creative funding models to both help build capacity and make sustainable capital investments.  This will ensure the province can meet the long-term needs of Manitoba’s growing and aging population.

“Our government has committed to contributing approximately $133,000 per bed toward the construction of 1,200 personal care home beds throughout Manitoba.  Manitobans were paying two or three times that amount under the previous government, which simply wasn’t sustainable,” said Goertzen.  “Additional proposals will be assessed based on needs within the region and their ability to fit within the new mandate.”

In addition, Goertzen noted that work on the expansion of the 157-bed Holy Family Personal Care Home in north Winnipeg is expected to be complete by late 2018.

For more information on personal care homes in Manitoba, visit:

The Unbearable Wholeness of Being
Sep 16, 2016

Public Lecture  - September 16, 2016 - Samuel N. Cohen Auditorium, St. Boniface Hospital Albrechtsen Research Centre - Free admission / No registration required.

Workshop - September 17 and 18, 2016 - St. Benedict's Retreat & Conference Centre - Fee and registration required.

Click here to view poster.

Nov 5, 2015

CHAM's response to the political parties.


Manitoba Health Spiritual Care Strategic Plan
Feb 8, 2014

Click here to view the Implementation plan for Manitoba Spiritual Health.

Amanda Lindhout - Freedom in Forgiveness
Jul 8, 2013

In 2008, Canadian journalist Amanda Lindhout was kidnapped and held captive for 460 days in Somalia. Her memoir, “A House in the Sky” has been named one of the Best Books of 2013 and is a New York Times best seller.

An award winning humanitarian, social activist, public speaker, and Founder of the Global Enrichment Foundation, Amanda will be in Winnipeg this Fall to share her insights and inspire us all to consider the importance of forgiveness to living fully. Two events are planned:

  • a public keynote on September 18; and
  • a forgiveness workshop, September 19, designed for all of us, including health and human service providers accompanying those who have experienced trauma.

For more information about the upcoming events please see the attached document. Learn more about Amanda by visiting her website at

Presentation to the Bill 6 Legislative Committee
Jun 6, 2012

Click here to view the presentation by Julie Turenne Maynard to the Bill 6 Legislative Committee on June 11th, 2012.



  • Bill 6 ignores and contravenes the basic principles that have been negotiated in long standing agreements with government and the Regional Health Authorities (RHAs).

  • Bill 6 is tantamount to a breach of trust.

  • Bill 6 is an affront to the legitimate and value laden role and significant contribution of the nine (9) faith-based groups that own and operate health and social service organizations in Manitoba.

  • Bill 6 increases the ability of bureaucracies, the RHAs, to unilaterally impose their will on private corporations in matters fundamental to their autonomy;

  • The ability of private corporations to carry out their distinctive missions and mandates, to innovate and experiment, to choose and retain their own leaders, to connect with particular communities of supporters, can all be crucial to their success in providing care that fits the needs and aspirations of clients, residents and patients and their families.